Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Liberty Day History Display from 2010--pt. 8

The Battle of Trenton

The LORD your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes (Deuteronomy 1:29, KJV)

In December 1776, morale was low in the American camp and thousands of enlistments expired. General George Washington ordered an attack on Trenton in New Jersey. It was scheduled for December 26, 1776. The Continental Army crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night. God’s Mighty Hand was seen by sending a storm that night. While it did slow down the Americans, it also led the Hessian forces (who were helping the British) to not send out a patrol. Then after the arrival of the Continental Army at Trenton, the Hessians incorrectly thought that they were completely surrounded, even though the passage to the south was open. The Americans gained a sound victory. Of greater importance, the victory boosted morale and troop re-enlistments. As a sign of God’s Providence, not a single American life was lost during the conflict.

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