Monday, September 29, 2008

Godly Principles for Financial Stewardship: Commitment #1

Recognize that the Lord God Almighty owns EVERYTHING and we are simply His stewards.

According to Acts 17:28, it is in God alone that we live and move and have our being. God is the One who has given us our very lives and He is the One to whom we should dedicate all of our resources including our time, our talents, and our earthly treasures. Our attitude should not be that God owns 10% of our money and we own the remaining 90%. The truth of the matter is that God is the owner of it all and we should be seeking to honor Him with 100% of our finances. The recognition that God owns everything does not mean that we give all of our money away—it means that every financial decision that we make is to be scrutinized to ensure that we are making wise use of all that God provides. This commitment is absolutely foundational to how we can live a life that is devoted to the Lord God Omnipotent. As a family, we are committed to using everything that the Lord has given as an act of service and worship to Him.

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