Saturday, October 1, 2011

Birthday Blessings, My Beloved Bride!

Birthdays are a special time to remember and honor the one that is celebrating another year of God's faithfulness, grace, and mercy!

This year I (David) am providing this birthday post to my dearly beloved bride by petitioning the Lord for His blessings on her behalf. God is love and the giver of good gifts to His children.


Happy Birthday, my dear and precious help meet! I love you, sweetheart! Here are the specific requests for which I am asking of our gracious and loving Heavenly Father for you!

Fruitfulness - O Lord, please provide to my dear sweetheart a life that is characterized by great fruitfulness. May You grant to Jill a fruitful womb that will continue to bear children for your honor and glory. Give to Jill fruitful hands that will be effective in her service to You as we seek as a family to take dominion for Your Name!

Joy - Heavenly Father, graciously provide my Jill with a joyful, fulfilled heart that will be delighting in her role as my wife and mother to the children with which Your hand has blessed our family.

Contentment - Dear God, please grant my dear bride a contented life that will accept and welcome every situation in which you place her. Lord, give her this blessing and enable her to be able to say “for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11, KJV).

Wisdom - Lord, please give Jill Your wisdom and allow her to speak this wisdom wherever she is, whomever she is around, and whatever the circumstance. Give Jill a growing desire to pursue wisdom with great fervor. Allow Jill to be filled with this wisdom and may she influence others with it for Your honor and glory.

Peace - Heavenly Father, please provide to Jill the peace that passes all understanding based on Your perfect character. Enable her to be able to show this peace as a means of testifying of You and the difference that You make.

Hope - Our gracious Lord, please give Jill great hope for each tomorrow knowing that You have an important work for her to do in the ministry of this family and her role in the body of Christ. Help Jill to be spurred on by the plans that You have for her and enable her to share this hope with those around her.

Jill, you are so precious and dear to me and I am grateful to be your husband and your earthly head. I pray that I will be able to bless you with godly leadership and provide you with a love that will be a good model of Christ’s love for the Church. I love you, Jill! Happy Birthday, my beloved!

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