Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy 13th Birthday, Aidan!

We rejoice today in our home as we celebrate the 13th birthday of our son, Aidan!

Aidan, you are a blessing from the Lord and we are very thankful to have you as part of this family! This year we offer the following prayers for your birthday:

  • We pray that you will have a love for the Lord and for His Holy Word! May you grow in your relationship with God and may you always be looking for ways that you can apply what is outlined in Scripture to how you live each day.

  • We pray that you will always be fighting against the battle of the flesh and will seek to live a life that is holy and pleasing to the Lord!

  • We pray that you will have joy in every situation that God places you in life. May you know that the God that you serve has a plan and a purpose that specifically includes you! May that truth give you joy, hope, and encouragement as you look to the future that is before you.

  • We pray that you will be a good testimony of God's grace and mercy through your words and your actions. May all that you do be a witness of the power of God that is able to make all things new!

  • We pray that you will always see children as a gift of God, just as the Bible teaches. Your love for your new baby sister Tirzah has been a great encouragement to us as we watch your excitement over the growth and development of this new addition to our family. May you learn much about the training and care of children in preparation for fatherhood as you grow up with your siblings.

  • We pray that you will know that you are special and dearly loved! Your positive outlook, your desire to lift up those that are hurting, and your ability to make others laugh are just some of the reasons that you are such a blessing to your family.

May these prayers for you be a blessing to you and may you know that we are excited to be celebrating this special occasion with you today! There is great significance to the turning of 13 years old and we are glad that we can share this milestone with you!

Happy 13th Birthday, Aidan!